Embassy of Pakistan
Information Section
Press Release
Ankara ,20th March 2023
Pakistan Navy Ship PNS Nasr carrying earthquake relief assistance supplies, mainly winterized tents (1800) and blankets(22000) arrived at Mersin Port today.
Ship was recieved by Governor Mersin Mr. Ali Hamza Pehlivan, Ambassador of Pakistan to Turkiye Dr. Yousaf Junaid, Deputy Governor Ibrahim Kuçuk, Mersin Emniyet Müdürü , Mehmet Aslan , Turkish dignitaries and representatives from media.
Speaking on the occasion, Ambassador Dr. Yousaf Junaid stated that Pakistan & Turkiye are knitted together in strong bonds of friendship & brotherhood.
Both countries have common history & heritage & envisage a shared future. Pakistan stands shoulder to shoulder with Turkiye in these difficult times and together will emerge stronger from the devastation caused by earthquakes.
In his statement, Governor Mersin Mr. Ali Hamza Pehlivan said that exemplary solidarity from Pakistan highlights that hearts of Pakistani people beat with the hearts of Turkish brothers. He thanked the people and government of Pakistan for swift response and solidarity with Turkiye in this difficult time.
Commander PNS Nasr , Commodore Sohail Ahmed Azmie stated that with its resilience and strength, Turkish nation will overcome this disaster very soon.
Under the directions of the Prime Minister, an air bridge was immediately established between Islamabad and Ankara on 6th February 2023 to transport rescue teams and deliver essential relief goods.
Since then, earthquake relief supplies are being transported to brotherly Turkiye through air, land and sea routes.
To ensure quick delivery of earthquake relief supplies , primarily 50,000 tents , a chartered air operation is currently in progress . On average three flights a day are bringing much needed tents to the earthquake affected region. Since, 11th March , this exclusive flight operation has delivered more than 25000 tents to Turkiye.
Earlier, 10 special aircrafts, including three Pakistan Air Force (PAF) C-130, one PAF IL-78 , three Turkish aircrafts , three PIA chartered flights and 21- truck convoy has brought earthquake relief assistance supplies including approx 10,000 tents and 35,000 blankets to Turkiye.
Moreover, Pakistani charities, including Al-Khidmat Foundation, Edhi Foundation, Baitussalam Welfare Trust, Sailani Welfare Trust, and Pakistan Red Crescent, have also been engaged in relief and rescue efforts in the earthquake-hit regions of Türkiye.